Oh hello! 

Shared Perspectives is a workshop facilitated by Charlotte Abroms and Jono Steer to encourage community, connection and support for musicians. We both spend a lot of time chatting to the musicians and folks we work with to understand what people feel they need the most guidance with.

Most people have expressed a desire for community and to feel part of something special. 

Together we’d like to share our perspectives in a workshop that we have aptly named… Shared Perspectives.

The workshop will feel comfortable and honest (and small). The idea is to benefit from one another’s experiences and help each other thrive in good company. The topic has been curated by local musicians who have detailed what they want and need to progress.

Jono has 20+ years under his belt as a musician, producer, composer and audio engineer and I have 15+ years experience in artist management and independently releasing music, as well as working in creative agencies.

Our end goal is to provide people with the tools to have a sustainable and healthy career in music, but instead of doing this in a one-on-one setting, we’re forming a community in a small workshop, which we know improves wellbeing.

HOW TO BOOK: Email charlotte@hearheargroup.com to enquire about reserving a spot.

Hope to see you there! 

Charlotte & Jono